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Discovery Research

Proteomics plays a pivotal role in early drug research, offering unparalleled efficiency and accuracy in target identification. Through comprehensive analysis of protein expression variances between drug-treated and control groups, coupled with advanced bioinformatics, proteomics unveils the impact of drugs on cellular physiology. This deep understanding aids in elucidating drug utility and mechanisms of action.

Moreover, proteomics facilitates target discovery by effectively isolating drug-interacting proteins through competitive experiments. Leveraging mass spectrometry, proteomics enables the identification of target proteins—a feat unattainable through conventional biological methods. Beyond target identification, proteomics delves into the intricate web of drug-target interactions, shedding light on their influence on protein-protein interactions.

Top-down analysis

Top-down proteomics is an approach used to study intact proteins directly, rather than breaking them down into smaller peptides before analysis (as done in bottom-up proteomics). In top-down proteomics, intact proteins are analyzed using mass spectrometry to determine their molecular weight and identify any post-translational modifications or sequence variations.

This method offers several advantages, including the ability to directly observe and characterize intact protein forms, providing insights into protein isoforms, splice variants, and post-translational modifications within a single analysis.

Bottom-up analysis

Bottom-up proteomics, in contrast to top-down analysis, involves the digestion of proteins into smaller peptides prior to mass spectrometry analysis. This approach begins with enzymatic cleavage of proteins into peptides, typically using proteases such as trypsin. The resulting peptide mixture is then separated and analyzed using liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (LC-MS).

Bottom-up proteomics offers several advantages, including enhanced sensitivity and throughput compared to top-down analysis. By analyzing peptides instead of intact proteins, bottom-up proteomics enables the identification of a larger number of proteins in complex samples. Additionally, bottom-up strategies are well-suited for identifying and quantifying post-translational modifications on peptides, providing valuable insights into protein function and regulation.

Targeted studies

Certain small molecule drugs necessitate covalent binding to proteins, often via interactions with free cysteine residues, to exert their therapeutic effects. The effectiveness of drug binding to its target protein and the precise binding site are both crucial considerations. Competitive experiments employing probes specific to cysteine are conducted to compete with drugs, thereby monitoring the peptides bound to the drugs.

By assessing the administered drug concentration and the intensity of the targeted peptide, the efficacy of drug targeting can be accurately gauged. This approach provides valuable insights into the dynamics of drug-protein interactions, facilitating the optimization of drug design and therapeutic strategies.

Untargeted studies

Proteomics presents a highly effective approach for investigating off-target effects of PROTAC (Proteolysis Targeting Chimeras) drugs. By examining the fold changes in the global protein profile of samples, proteomics enables the identification of potential off-target proteins through comparative analysis between drug-treated and control groups. These findings can be further validated using Western blot or other techniques. Moreover, the ubiquitinated proteome offers valuable insights into off-target protein interactions.

By administering proteasome inhibitors like MG132 alongside PROTAC, followed by enrichment of ubiquitin-modified peptides using ubiquitin antibodies post-enzymatic digestion, comparisons between drug-treated and control groups facilitate the discovery of both potential off-target proteins and their ubiquitin binding sites. This integrated approach not only enhances our understanding of PROTAC drug mechanisms but also aids in optimizing their specificity and efficacy for therapeutic applications.